Cook with Nimali at Nilaveli Booking Page Cook with Nimali at Nilaveli Authentic Cookery Class - Group Class Booking Detailes We'll use this information to send you a quotation, confirmation, and updates about your booking. Country Please SelectMr.Ms.Mrs.Miss. Your name Your email WhatsApp Booking Date and Time - Time Please Select Time9.00 AM4.00 PM Booking Ooption Please Select LessonPer Person 15 Є Hopper,Pittu,Thosa,Roti,String HopperPer Peson 15 Є New Year SweetsPer Person 15 Є Rice & Curry VegetarianPers Person 20 Є Rice & Curry ChickenPre Peson 20 Є Rice & Curry FishPer Peson 30 Є Rice & Curry Seafood How Many Persons Please Select234567891011121314 Group Cooking Class Minimum Requiment is two Persons Extra Piad Hotel Pickup TukTuk one way Please SelectNo NeedNilaveli 500 LKRUppuveli 1500 LKRKuchchaveli 1500 LKRTrincomalee 1800 LKR Pick Up Location For Credit Debet Card Appliy 3% bank Surcharge For ( VISA MASTERCARD UNIONPAY ) 4% Bank Surcharge For AMEX AMERICANEXPRSS DINNERSCLUB DISCOVER Payment Method Please SelectLKRUSDEUROVISAMASTERCARDUINIONPAYAMEXAMERICANEXPRSSDINERSCLUBDISCOVER I request Payment link For Pay Now Please Select Payment MethodSend Me Bill and Payment LinkBook Now Pay Later Δ Send me a quotation Share this:FacebookX